Article I – Name and Definitions
A. Name
This body shall be known and called the “Nigerian Baptist Convention”, The title of the corporate body shall be “The registered Trustees of Nigerian Baptist Convention”.
B. Definitions
The following terms when used in this constitution shall be understood as follows:-
1. Convention: Shall be understood (unless the context determines otherwise) to mean Nigerian Baptist Convention.
2. Committee: Shall be a duly elected group charged with specific responsibilities in different areas of Convention work, e.g. Nominating Committee, Programme Planning Committee, etc.
3. Board: Shall be a duly elected group to oversee and or advice an institution, department or business concern which belongs to the Convention, e.g. Christian Education Advisory Board, Baptist Bookstore Board, Boards of Governors of Schools, etc.
4. Messenger: Shall be a member of a Baptist Church cooperating with the Association, Conference and Convention elected and certified by the church to attend any of the denomination sessions.
5. Church: Shall be understood to mean a group of baptized believers in Christ who have covenanted to worship, to fellowship, to teach and evangelize, and organized in a place and co-operating with the Nigerian Baptist Convention with the sole aim of propagating the gospel of Jesus Christ.
6. Association: A group of Baptist Churches that are geographically contiguous formed by local Churches for the purpose of doing missions and evangelism. It shall consist of not less than six organized Baptist churches, all geographically contiguous, with at least five Baptist trained pastors out of which at least three must be full time; and one of whom must be ordained. An organized Local Church shall not less
than 25 baptized believers, trained pastoral leadership, be self-governing, self funding and self propagating; and must have functional key ministerial and educational organs of a local Baptist Church.
7. Conference: Shall consist of local Baptist churches in a given wider geographical area or state organized into at least six Baptist associations with not less than eighteen fulltime Baptist trained pastors of whom at least twelve shall be ordained.
8. Written Notice: In relation to amendments of the Constitution and Regulations, written notice is a communication in writing giving notice of an amendment recommended for the Constitution or Regulation.
9. The pronoun “he” is used generically in this document to include male and female.

Article II – Vision and Mission Statement
To be a foremost Christ-like missionary organization in Nigeria, Africa and the whole world.
To be a community of believers that represent Christ by proclaiming the gospel, discipling believers, caring and developing Churches to be involved in holistic ministries – evangelistic, social and healing – and collaborating with other Christian agencies across the globe.
Article III – Membership
The Nigerian Baptist Convention shall consist of all Baptist churches in Nigeria that desire a general organization for Christian service which shall fully respect the independence and equal rights of the churches that work together under the accepted Declaration of the Principles and Objectives set forth in this Constitution and who are willing to accept the responsibilities and privileges of the organization.
Article IV– Declaration of Principles
A. The Convention fully accepts that the Scriptures (the Old and New Testaments) were given by inspiration of God and that they are the only sufficient, certain and authoritative rule for all saving knowledge, faith and obedience. The Convention recognizes the Risen Lord Jesus Christ, the Incarnate Son of God and our Saviour as the Head of His Church and the New Testament teaching as the sole authority in all matters pertaining to faith and practice. Each church under the guidance of the Holy Spirit has the liberty to interpret the teachings of the Holy Bible and administer its laws responsibly within the Baptist historic faith and as endorsed by the Statements of Faith and Practice of the Nigerian Baptist Convention.

B. Baptism is the immersion in water of a believer in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit to show forth a solemn and beautiful emblem of one’s faith in the crucified, buried and risen Saviour. It is a prerequisite of the privileges of church membership and admittance to the Lord’s Supper.

C. The Lord’s Supper is a sacred memorial in which the members of the church, by the use of elements such as bread and wine commemorate together the atoning love of Christ.

D. It is the duty of every disciple to bear personal witness to the gospel of Jesus Christ and to take part in the evangelization of the world.

E. The Convention recognizes the autonomy of every local Baptist Church co-operating with the Convention under the leadership of the Holy Spirit.

F. The Convention recognizes monogamy, the union of natural man to natural woman, as the ideal state of family life according to the New Testament. This Convention places on record its adherence thereto. However, no person who has confessed Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour shall be denied baptism, Church membership and participation in the Lord’s Supper; but no member of the Church who is polygamist shall hold any Church office or position.

G. Realizing that membership in a secret society and the taking of oath of membership in such society are both contrary to the teaching of the New Testament, this Convention declares unequivocally that any person in the church co-operating with the Convention who is known to be a member of a secret society (foreign or indigenous) shall not be allowed to hold membership or office in any of the churches, associations, conferences and Convention; to serve or participate in ordinances of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper or to be given a Christian burial by any of the Convention churches.

Article V – Objectives
The objectives of the Nigerian Baptist Convention shall be as follows:
A. To harness the resources contributed by local Churches that form the Convention for the purpose of proclaiming the Gospel and establishing Churches in all parts of the world.
B. To strengthen and assist needy and weak Baptist churches.
C. To encourage and assist in the establishment and maintenance of Christian Education Programmes, Women’s and Men’s Missionary Unions and similar organizations, as circumstance may require.
D. To assist in the development of schools where children may be educated under Christian influence.
E. To foster schools, colleges and tertiary institutions where young men and women may be specially trained for Christian service as workers ministering to the needs of people in body, mind and soul.
F. To be proprietor of Baptist schools, colleges and tertiary institutions where such is allowed by law to further enhance mission work.
G. To be proprietor of Baptist Medical institutions that will provide loving and efficient care for those who are sick in body, mind and soul, thereby further enhancing and guiding the expansion of the propagation of the Gospel.
H. To be proprietor of Baptist Ministerial Training Institutions.
I. To afford opportunity for united action concerning matters affecting the welfare of churches in the Convention and to cultivate fellowship with all who love the Lord Jesus by means of an annual conference, the publication of regular periodicals and other literature, and by such other means as the Convention may adopt.
J. To confer with and to co-operate with other Christian churches and organizations, as occasions may arise, in so far as it does not contravene the provisions of this constitution and regulations.
K. To own properties, real and equity holding, including shares and stocks in companies whose
aims and objectives are not at variance with the declared principles and objectives of the Convention.
L. To establish institutions and agencies to deal in publishing and printing of religious and educational books and materials and other documents that may be of use to the public and for the upliftment of the work of God.
M. To establish companies to deal in the sale of religious and other educational books, stationeries and other items.
N. To invest in such other financial undertakings that are for the propagation of the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Article VI – Operation
The Convention shall act through its National Convention, Conferences, Associations, Churches,
Committees, Boards, and Officers. All committees, boards and officers shall be subject to the National Convention which shall have full authority concerning all matters pertaining to the Convention.
Article VII – Key Officers
The Convention shall have a Chairman, three Vice Chairmen (one ordained Pastor, and two nonpastors, one of whom must be a woman), provided that the First Vice Chairman shall be the Pastor; the President, three Vice Presidents. Other key officers shall be Director, Christian Education; Director, Publications; Director, Global Missions; Director Medical and Health Ministries; Director, Men’s Missionary Union; Director, Youth and Students’ Ministry; Director Social Ministries; Director, Music Ministries, WMU Director and as many other officers as the Convention shall deem fit for carrying out the purpose of the Convention.
Article VIII – Registered Trustees
The Registered Trustees of the Convention shall be the Chairman, the President, the Vice President, (Finance and Investments) and a representative each from the three zones of the Convention and representative each of MMU, WMU, Youth and the Legal Adviser.
Article IX – Committees and Boards
A. The Convention shall have as many committees and boards as, in its judgment, may be necessary to carry out projects it may determine to promote.
B. To each committee or board shall be committed, during the recess of the Convention, the entire management of all the affairs relative to the objects with whose interest it shall be charged, which management shall be strict in accordance with such other instructions as may be given from time to time. Each committee and board shall be authorized to enact its own regulations and guidelines subject to the approval of the Convention through the Executive Committee.
C. Each committee or board shall report annually to the Annual Session through the Executive
Committee except whenever special consideration may permit otherwise.
D. Members of committees and boards shall be members of recognized churches which are cooperating with the Convention except wherever special considerations permit otherwise.
Article X – Women’s Missionary Union
The Women’s Missionary Union shall be an Auxiliary to the Convention. It shall have the responsibility for harnessing resources from WMU groups of the Churches, Associations and Conferences for missionary work both locally and internationally. It is recognized that the Women’s Missionary Union shall have the right to draw up its own programmes of activities, to set up its own organization for planning and administration, to direct the expenditure of its income and to name its own representatives on certain Convention committees and boards as provided for in this constitution. The Women’s Missionary Union shall cooperate with the Convention in observing the Principles of the Convention and in endeavouring to achieve the objectives of the Convention as defined in this Constitution. The annual WMU Session shall serve as a forum for the rendering of accounts of stewardship by its leadership to the local Church messengers from whom they receive financial support. Adequate time shall be allowed for receiving and discussion of reports.
Article XI – Men’s Missionary Union
The Men’s Missionary Union shall be a quasi organization recognized by the Convention. It shall assist the Convention in its task of leading men, young men and boys to a deeper involvement and commitment to missions. It shall be a self-funding department; set up its own organization, organize its own programmes,
provide its own materials and conduct its activities within the doctrinal framework of the Convention in line with the objectives of the Convention as defined in this constitution.
Article XII – Amendment of the Constitution
Written notice of any amendment of the constitution shall be given on the first day of the annual session and shall not be voted upon until the following annual session. Such notice must contain the section to be amended, the exact proposed amendment and must bear the signature approval of 20 organized churches in at least six different conferences including the conference from which the notice emanated to cover the geographical areas of North, East, and West. The notice may normally be submitted through the Executive Committee before their December meeting for comments only, if any. An amendment may also arise from the Executive Committee. Any amendment arrived at shall be passed on to the Annual Session for ratification.

I. Annual Session
The annual session of the Convention is an occasion for the rendering of account of stewardship by the elected officers of the Convention to the local churches through their messengers. It is also an occasion for the critical evaluation of the work done, in the light of the mandate given to these officials by the previous Convention-in-session. The reports, minutes etc would be expected to reach the hands of messengers ahead of each annual session not later than two weeks before the commencement of the annual session. The annual session shall also serve the purpose of spiritual nourishment of messengers.
A. Place and Time
The place of any annual session shall be determined by the E.C. at least one year, but preferably
two years in advance. In making the recommendation, the E.C. shall arrange so that the Convention meets in the various conference areas on a rotational basis taking into consideration availability of hosting space. Centres shall be determined by the E.C. The annual sessions shall be scheduled in March or April unless otherwise determined by the E.C.
B. Annual Convention Session
Churches are to sponsor messengers to the Annual Session. In addition churches are also to encourage individual members to attend on their own. All persons attending the Convention shall be certified by the Church.
C. Annual Church Report:
Each church co-operating with the Convention shall send to the President, before the ensuing Annual Session, a detailed statistical report, according to an adopted form of the condition and work of the church for the preceding calendar year.
D. Finance:
The Convention shall be financed, among other sources, by a sum to be raised on an agreed percentage basis by the churches co-operating with the Convention. This sum shall be forwarded monthly to the Vice President Finance and Investments in the name of the church.
E. Seating of Messengers & Decisions:
1. The Convention shall refuse at the Annual Session to seat messengers from any church failing to send in the statistical report and financial contributions as in D above, unless the Convention agrees by a two-thirds majority vote of messengers present and voting to accept them for the year.
2. The Convention by a two-thirds majority vote of messengers present shall exclude from any annual session any member, church, association, conference for failure to follow the principles, decisions and practices adopted by the Convention or for unworthy conduct.
F. Language:
English shall be the official language for records of the Convention.

A. There shall be a nominating committee made up of a chairman who shall be one of the Vice Chairmen, a representative from each conference to be designated by the Conference and two women, one of whom shall represent the WMU.
B. The term of office of each Nominating Committee member shall be three years. The Nominating Committee shall elect a secretary from its members while the Executive Committee shall name the Vice Chairman who will serve as Chairman of the Nominating Committee.
C. The duties of the Nominating Committee shall be:
1. To nominate the following officers for the Convention’s approval; Convention Chairman, shall be elected for a three year term and may be re-elected for a second three year term, after which he shall not be eligible for re-election. The Convention Vice Chairmen shall be elected for two year term after which they shall not be eligible for reelection. Geographical spread shall be considered in their selection.
2. To nominate to the Convention the members of the Boards and Standing Committees, except as may be herein otherwise provided for. No person, with the exception of the Convention Chairman the President, the Vice President Finance and Investment, and the Conference Presidents and WMU Executive Director shall be nominated to more than three boards or committees.
3. To name the chairmen of Convention Boards and Committees, where applicable, with the provision that Executive Officers shall not be chairmen of boards of departments to which they are related, unless otherwise provided for by the instrument setting up the boards or committees.
D. The report of the Nominating Committee shall be presented to the messengers to the Annual Session through the E.C.
E. All officers and members of boards and committees shall be elected by majority vote. The officers and personnel of boards thus elected shall assume their duties at the close of the last day of the annual session.
F. All boards and committees of the Convention shall, where applicable, consist of not less than 50% non-pastors.
G. Vacancies: In the event of the office of the Convention Chairman, or the President, becoming suddenly vacant between the annual sessions of the Convention, the following procedure will be followed to fill the vacancy: The Convention Chairman/President would call an emergency meeting of the Executive Committee of the Convention and inform them of what has happened.
1. For the Convention Chairman
The Executive Committee shall appoint the First Vice Chairman of the Convention to act as Convention Chairman until the Nominating Committee would be asked to nominate a new Convention Chairman.
2. President
a. The Executive Committee shall ask Vice President (Ministerial) to act and
b. The Executive Committee of the Convention shall appoint a search committee immediately for the purpose of looking for a new President who at the time of his appointment shall be at least 50 years of age.
c. The Executive Committee shall recommend the approved candidate to the Annual Session or in a special session called for that purpose.
3. Vice President
In the event of a sudden vacancy of the office of a Convention Vice President, the President shall appoint a person to act until the Executive Council approves the appointment of another Vice President, which appointment shall be ratified at the next annual session.
4. In the event of the office of the Director of a Department becoming vacant between annual Convention sessions, the Executive Committee shall:
(i) Ask a suitable officer to act;
(ii) Appoint a search committee to look for a new
Director to be recommended to the Executive Committee for election by the Annual Session during the ensuing session.
5. In the event of any other office becoming vacant for any reason between annual Convention sessions, the Executive Committee shall temporarily fill the vacancy (unless there is already a formula for filling the vacancy), subject to the Annual Session’s subsequent ratification or election during the ensuing session.
H. Tenureship of Convention Officers
1. The following officers of the Convention shall be tenured:
(i) The President
(ii) Vice President (Ministerial)
(iii) Vice President (Administration/Personnel)
(iv) Vice President (Finance and Investment)
(v) Conference Presidents
(vi) All Heads of Convention Institutions (Schools, Hospital, Theological Institutions)
(vii) Department Directors.
2. Each of these is to be tenured for a period of five years. The tenured ministerial positions are for a maximum of two terms of five years each. Those of non-ministerial technocrats/professionals are for a maximum of three terms of five years each.
3. A tenured officer at the expiration of his first term of office shall do a self-evaluation and be evaluated by the immediate supervising authority, (authorities). The officer may be re-elected for another term of five years only making a total of ten years altogether subject to the retirement policy of the Convention; with the exception of non-ministerial technocrats/professionals, who may be re-elected for a third term thus making a maximum of 15 years also subject to the retirement policy of the Convention.
H. Appointment of Tenured Officers: Subject to the preceding paragraphs 1-3 above a Search Committee shall be set up by the appropriate organ of the Convention not less than one year to the expiration of the tenure of officers concerned, except the President, Vice Presidents and Directors that shall be handled by the Convention E.C.
A. Convention Chairman
1. He shall be the presiding officer of the Convention and his duties shall be:
2. To serve as one of the Registered Trustees of the Convention.
3. To be Chairman of the Ministerial Board.
4. To be a member of the following: Medical Board, Scholarship Board and the Programme Planning Committee.
5. To preside over the sessions of the Convention, the Executive Committee and the Registered Trustees.
6. To attend the meetings of any of the other boards and committees of the Convention except that of the Nominating Committee as an Ex-officio member.
B. Vice Chairmen
They shall be principal assistants to the Convention Chairman and their duties shall be:
1. To serve in rotation as Chairmen of the Nominating Committee and of the Programme Planning Committee.
2. To attend to such other duties as may be assigned to them respectively by the Convention, the Executive Committee or the Convention Chairman.
C. President
He shall be an ordained minister with a minimum of second professional degree in Theology and at least 10 years post Master’s qualification. He shall be between 50 and 60 years of age with at least 15 years post-pastoral training experience in Convention related job. He shall be the Chief Executive and Accounting Officer of the Convention. He shall be responsible to the Conventionin-Session through the Executive Committee of the Convention and his duties shall be:
1. Without prejudice to the autonomy of the local church, to lead the Convention to accomplish the purpose for which it was established; namely the promotion of mission and evangelism globally by putting into operation the Convention programmes and decisions from its committees, boards and conferences.
2. To conduct correspondence and negotiations for the Convention as well as to communicate and execute all decisions of the Convention, its boards and committees.
3. To supervise the activities of the Vice Presidents and others who are directly responsible to him.
4. To collect and preserve all records, correspondences, statistics and other valuable documents of the Convention including those which shall be provided to him by the Conference Presidents.
5. To keep and furnish a Register of Baptist Workers according to their qualifications and salaries.
6. To notify the churches through appropriate organs prior to each Convention session, of the number messengers to which they are entitled.
7. To issue circulars with agenda, in consultation with the Chairman for the convening of the Executive Committee meetings.
8. To co-ordinate the activities of the Conference Presidents that are directly related to those of the Convention.
9. To be Chairman of the Ministerial Training Board.
10. To be a member of all Convention Boards and such other companies, institutions in which the Convention may have interest.
11. To serve as one of the Registered Trustees of the Convention.
12. To be the authorizing officer and a co-signatory to all Convention Accounts.
13. To be the proprietor of all Convention owned Baptist schools, colleges, Theological institutions and university(ies)
14. To attend meetings of any of the other boards and committees of the Convention.
15. To have floor privileges at annual session of the Convention, Executive Committee and Ministerial Board meetings.
16. To ensure that all funds are disbursed as directed by the Convention’s Annual Budget, and the Executive Committee. To see that adequate financial records are kept and audits provided of all receipts, disbursements and investments.
17. To serve as a resource person, as requested, for each Convention agency and institution and to receive reports from them in order to keep the Convention Executive Committee and the Convention acquainted with the total scope and development of their work.
18. To notify members of general Convention committees of meetings, to arrange for necessary facilities and staff assistance, when requested by the Convention Chairman to do so, and to provide information and other materials required for conducting effective Council/Committee work.
19. To attend international meetings as related to his office responsibilities.
20. To represent the Convention in national, extra-denominational religious matters as much as practicable.
21. To provide oversight for all para-military organizations in the Convention.
22. To perform such other duties as the Convention, the E.C., other Convention boards, and committees may from time to time direct.
D. Vice Presidents
There shall be three Vice Presidents (Ministerial, Administration and Personnel; and Finance and Investments) who shall be directly responsible to the President of the Convention. They shall be
responsible for the implementation of the plans and procedures of the President as he seeks to
implement the Convention’s goals and objectives. They shall be appointed by the Convention on
the recommendation of a search committee named by the Executive Committee. They may not
necessarily succeed to the office of the President.
1. Vice President (Ministerial)
He shall be an ordained minister with a minimum of second professional degree in Theology in relevant discipline plus at least 7 years post Masters qualification experience in Convention related job. His duties shall be:
(a) To supervise and coordinate the work of the following divisions: Youth and Students Ministries, Music, Christian Education and Men’s Missionary Union.
(b) To relate directly as adviser and supervisor to the directors of the department under his administration.
(c) To represent the President on any boards, committees, or assignments as may be directed.
(d) To be a member of the Ministerial Board.
(e) To act for the President in his absence.
(f) To perform from time to time any other duties as may be assigned by the President and provide support and assistance to the President.
2. Vice President (Administration and Personnel)
He shall be a graduate (non-pastor) with not less than 7 years post Master’s degree working experience preferably in Convention related job. His duties shall be:
(a) To supervise and coordinate the work of the following departments: Baptist Media,
Building Services Management, Medical Services, Personnel, Publications; and Human Resources.
(b) To relate directly as adviser and supervisor to the directors of the departments under his administration.
(c) To plan and coordinate the recruitment, selection and/or election of various categories of staff approved by the Convention.
(d) To be responsible for the day to day maintenance of properties, such as buildings, equipments, furniture, etc.
(e) To maintain up-to-date record of Convention personnel and maintain an up-to-date job description of all Convention staff.
(f) To process personnel matters and interpret and apply Convention regulations, rules and circulars.
(g) To formulate and implement, in cooperation with department directors, staff training and development programmes including seminars, induction and other training programmes for all categories of staff.
(h) To ensure effective and regular performance appraisal of all Convention staff.
(i) To make travel arrangements for approved personnel to attend Convention sessions and other meetings, including provision for transport, accommodation and other necessary expenses.
(j) To represent the President on any boards or committees as may be directed.
(k) To act for the President in the absence of both the President and Vice President (Ministerial).
(l) To perform any other duties as may be assigned by the President from time to time.
3. Vice-President, Finance and Investments
The Vice-President, Finance and Investments shall be a professional Accountant with considerable post qualification relevant experience of at least 7 years in addition to a minimum of Bachelor’s degree in Accounting. He shall be recommended by the Executive Committee for ratification of the Annual Session. His duties shall be:
1. To formulate policies, procedures and systems and to design forms which will ensure effective internal control of financial operations of every unit of the Convention which should be reviewed periodically.
2. To supervise and co-ordinate the work of the following departments: Accounts, Budget, Wills and Bequests, Insurance, Pension and Investments.
3. To ensure, in consultation with the President, an equitable disbursement of Convention resources such that each unit/institution shall receive prorate the equivalent percentage of Convention revenue vis-à-vis their approved budget.
4. To co-sign with the President of the Convention, and any other designated co-signatories, cheques drawn on the banking accounts which the Convention operates.
5. To serve as a member and secretary of the Convention Budget Committee and be responsible for the preparation of the annual budgets of the Convention.
6. To formulate business/investment policies that will ultimize the investment income of the Convention in a Godly manner.
7. To coordinate all business/investment activities of the Convention, comprising rent of properties, sales of properties, operation of Guest Houses, sales of material i.e. media, rent of equipments, shops, etc.
8. To prepare all investment budgets with clear bases of assumptions.
9. To prepare consolidated financial statements for all Convention Businesses and Investments.
10. To ensure that final financial statements are prepared and audited for each financial year.
11. To submit annually to the Annual Convention Session the Income and Expenditure Account and Balance Sheet of the Convention classifying all receipts and disbursements under their respective heads countersigned by the auditors in such a manner that the whole exercise will be capable of simple interpretation.
12. To submit annually to the Convention-in-Session a statement embodying all accounts of the Convention.
13. To ensure that all expenditures within a financial year must be within the approved budget. However, approval shall need to be obtained from the Executive Committee for any expenditure outside the approved budget based on a supplementary budget.
14. To be a member of the Scholarship Board.
15. To perform such other duties as may be assigned by the President.
E. Legal Unit
There shall be a Legal Unit in the office of the President, manned by a legal practitioner within
the meaning of the Legal Practitioners Act with a 5 years post qualification experience and preferably be a member of the Chartered Institute of Secretaries of Nigeria. The duties of the unit shall be:
1. To keep an accurate record of the Convention sessions and the meetings of the Executive
Committee in their respective Minutes books.
2. To keep a record of all such resolutions of the Convention passed from time to time as are intended for incorporation in the constitution and Regulations.
3. To be responsible for the custody of the records and other property of the convention entrusted to its care.
4. To be responsible for handling all court cases for the NBC by co-ordinating the activities of the various legal practitioners engaged by the Convention on retainership.
5. To constitute a legal team in consultation with the President.
6. To perform any other duties as the Convention or the Executive Committee may direct.
F. Conference President
He shall be an ordained minister of age between 40 and 55 years and shall be appointed by the Conference and ratified by Convention. He shall have a minimum of second professional degree in Theology or its equivalent and at least 7 years post Master’s qualification or 12 years cumulative ministerial experience in Convention related work. The tenure of office shall be as prescribed by this constitution.
1. To assist with the Convention developmental programmes.
2. To co-ordinate and promote the work of the Convention.
3. To assist the President by acting as liaison officer between the Convention and government in religious educational and social matters.
4. To be a member of the Convention Executive Committee.
5. To attend the meetings of any boards or committees of the Convention at the invitation of the chairman.
6. To oversee all disciplinary matters at the Conference and as referred to him by the Ministerial Board or        President of the Convention.
7. To be the Chief Executive and Accounting Officer on matters pertaining to the Conference and he shall        be responsible to the Executive Committee of the Conference.
8. To initiate and promote programmes to empower pastors, churches and associations in line with                  Convention vision.
9. To perform any other duties as the President may direct.
External Auditors
The Convention shall use the services of a firm of professional accountants, which shall be
recommend by the Audit Committee as her External Auditor and appointed annually by the
Executive Committee of the Convention and its duties shall be:
1. To be responsible for the auditing of the financial statements and consolidated financial statements of        the Convention in accordance with international financial reporting standards and to report there on              annually to the Annual Convention Session.
2. The External Auditors reports including management reports shall be submitted to the Executive                     Committee through the Audit Committee.
H. Chief Accountant
The Director of Finance shall be a professional Accountant with considerable post qualification relevant experience of at least 5 years in addition to a minimum of bachelors’ degree, or its equivalent. He shall be responsible to the Vice President, Finance and Investments and his duties shall be:
1. To maintain a sound accounting system including operating and keeping of all necessary books of                 account which will show, at any given time, the true position of the Convention’s affairs as related to its        financial operations, especially as concerning the incomes and expenditures.
2. To maintain a statistical analysis of the Convention’s financial record with a view to presenting a sound         history of income, expenditure, assets and liabilities when required.
3. To maintain a reliable system of preparing cash flow on weekly basis as a means of enabling the                  Convention to organize its spending from time to time in relation to cash projection and anticipated               expenditure.
4. To maintain an effective method which shall enable him and his staff to collect revenue from the following sources: Convention Funds, Mission Funds, Chaplaincy Funds, Education Funds, rents, revenues from publication, rebates, endowments, and from other sources which may from time to time be created by the Convention.
5. To maintain a Sound Redemption Fund Account with a view to enabling the Convention to pay any of its employees under the Retirement Benefits Scheme.
6. To prepare quarterly exception reports, which may be annexed to the accounts. This is with a view to easing the complexities that may have arisen in the body of the accounts and other record books.
7. To maintain a current register of all fixed assets of the Convention and Convention owned institutions.
8. To prepare summary of extra-ordinary items (especially if non-recurrent) which may distort the records so much that the true and fair view be fundamentally affected.
9. To perform all such other duties as may from time to time be assigned to him by the Vice President (Finance and Investments).
I. Investments Manager
The Investments Manager shall be a professional Accountant with considerable post qualification relevant experience of at least 5 years in addition to a minimum of Bachelors degree in relevant discipline. He shall be responsible to the Vice President, Finance and Investments and his duties shall be:
1. To develop strategies that will stimulate the growth
2. of all investment organs of the Convention.
3. To advise and invest in money and capital markets.
4. To liaise with Stock Brokers and generate appropriate report suitable for publication in the Convention Annual Report.
5. To supervise the activities of the Guest Houses and coordinate the receipts of investment income on behalf of the Vice President.
6. To identify viable investment outlets, initiate investments opportunities, and monitor all investment activities to achieve the overall growth of the internally generated revenue of the Convention.
7. To increase awareness and educate people to sustain the growth of all Convention businesses through enlightenment, in Nigerian Baptist Magazine, Convention, Association, Conferences and similar meetings.
8. To keep detailed and accurate record of all investment activities of the Convention.
9. To prepare quarterly cash flow projections and variance analysis for investment Committee on behalf of the Vice President.
10. To present short, medium and long term business plans for Investments’ Committee’s consideration.
11. To perform any other duties that may be assigned by the Vice President, Finance and Investments from time to time.
J. Director of Christian Education
He may be an ordained minister of age between 40 and 55 years with a minimum of second professional degree and at least 7 years post qualification experience in Convention related work or twelve years cumulated ministerial experience. He must be well-versed in Government policies on Education. He shall be responsible to the Vice President (Ministerial), and his duties shall be:
1. To be the head of the Christian Education Department of the Convention, which comprises the following ministries:-
a. Sunday School
b. Discipleship Training
c. Literacy
d. Stewardship
e. Family Life Education
2. To serve as a member of the Convention Programme Planning Committee.
3. To plan and promote emphasis on Christian Education and other ministries assigned to his department.
4. To plan and conduct conferences, clinics and other types of meetings for Christian Education leaders throughout the Convention.
5. To give direct assistance to churches, associations and conferences when possible and feasible, and to train and arrange for others to give such services on behalf of the Department.
6. To provide and promote curriculum and adequate educational and promotional literature for use by churches and denominational leaders.
7. To plan and promote a strong programme of outreach to be used by the local church to help save and reach unreached persons, as well as train church members.
8. To direct the planning of the department’s budget, programmes and calendar of events.
9. To prepare reports of the department’s work for the Convention.
10. To perform other tasks as may be assigned to him by the designated Vice President.
K. Director of Global Missions
He shall be an ordained minister of age between 40 and 55 years with a minimum of second professional degree and at least 5 years post qualification experience in Convention related work. He shall be responsible functionally to the President and administratively to the Global Missions Board. His duties shall be:
1. To provide overall direction to the Global Missions Department which comprises the following divisions:
a. Home and International Missions
b. Evangelism and
c. Church Growth and Church Planting
2. To formulate, develop, promote and direct a programme of missions in Nigeria and designated international fields.
3. To plan promote and conduct conferences, clinics and other types of meetings for the training in evangelism to Nigerian Baptist.
4. To work directly for the Convention and co-operatively with churches, associations and conferences in their efforts to be identified with various ethnic groups in a right relationship with God, to establish language-culture congregations, and to bring them to self-support.
5. To provide through a resource center a variety of print, and non-print resources for use by church and denominational leaders in the promotion of evangelism.
6. To inform the Convention on the work of the missionaries and mission through pamphlets, poster, maps, films, deputation work, and co-operatively the Director of Christian Education provide curriculum and mission materials.
7. To relate to the Women’s Missionary Union and Men’s Missionary Union for their cooperative planning and promoting of the Weeks of Prayer and special offerings for Home and International Missions.
8. To serve as a member of the Convention Planning Committee.
9. To direct planning of the department’s budget, programmes and calendar of events.
10. To prepare reports of the department’s budget, programmes and calendar of events.
11. To prepare reports of the department’s work for the Annual Session.
12. To work with and assist the Convention to establish and conduct activities and projects designed to motivate, equip and involve lay persons and pastors in personal witnessing and in training others to witness.
13. To assist the Convention Theological Institutions and other school in training students in evangelism.
14. To advise and provide relevant Nigerian Baptist vocational evangelists and pastors/evangelists as well as information for the Convention and her churches.
15. To plan, organize and promote simultaneous revivals and other types of mass evangelism periodically.
16. To perform other takes as may be assigned by the designated Board and by the President.
L. Director of Medical and Health Services
He shall be a medical doctor and shall be recommended by the Executive Committee of the Convention for election by the Nigerian Baptist Convention at its annual session. He shall be responsible to the designated Vice President and his duties shall be:
1. To act for the Convention in all medical matters.
2. To keep and furnish a register of Baptist medical workers.
3. To be a member of the Medical Board and an ex-officio member of the Boards of Medical Institutions.
4. To promote the medical ministry of the Convention.
5. To co-ordinate the provision and administration of Medical facilities and staff during the Annual Convention Session.
6. To serve as a member of the Convention Programme Training Committee.
7. To co-ordinate the work of all the medical services of the Convention
M. Director of Youth and Students’ Ministries
He shall be an ordained minister of age between 40 and 55 years with a minimum of second professional degree in Theology or its equivalent and at least 5years post qualification experience in Convention related work or 12 years cumulated ministerial experience. He shall be responsible to the Vice President (Ministerial), and his duties shall be:
1. To be the head of department of Youth and Students of the Convention, which comprises of:
a. Youths
b. Students’ Ministry
2. To initiate, supervise and encourage writing of materials, literature, programmes, training to enhance Students and Youth Ministries.
3. To focus attention of youths and students on such emphases as mission learning experiences, mission involvement, personal witnessing and financial and prayer support of world missions.
4. To direct planning of the department’s budget, programmes and calendar of events.
5. To prepare reports of department’s work for the Convention.
6. To serve as Editor-in-Chief of all publications of this department.
7. To serve as a member of the Convention Programme Planning Committee and the Global Missions Board.
8. To work with Global Missions Board to mobilize youths and students for missions.
9. To perform other tasks as may be assigned by the Vice President (Ministerial).
N. Director of Publications
He may be an ordained minister of age between 40 and 55 years with a minimum of a Master’s degree and at least 7 years post-qualification experience in convention-related work. He shall be directly responsible to the designated Vice President and his duties shall be:
1. To provide overall direction to the Publication Department, which comprises the following divisions:
a. The Nigerian Baptist
b. Other Publication
2. To be responsible for co-ordinating, determining priorities and publishing all curricular and printed materials of the Convention departments.
3. To publish monthly The Nigerian Baptist, the official organ of the Convention.
4. To oversee the work of the editor of The Nigerian Baptist in developing policies and procedures that will enhance the effectiveness of the magazine. \
5. To serve as the Business Manager of Convention publications including The Nigerian Baptist and have general oversight of matters directly related to the business and financial affairs of such publication.
6. To assist the editorial division of the Department in the overall enhancement of Convention publications.
7. To initiate with departments those suggestions related to publication which will enhance the effectiveness of denominational programmes.
8. To assist in the areas of layout, design and art work related to Convention publications.
9. To direct planning of the department’s budget, programmes and calendar of events.
10. To prepare reports of the department’s work for the Convention.
11. To have responsibility to maintain accounting information and records pertaining to all Convention investments in publication matters and submit monthly reports of the revenue and payments to the Vice President (Finance and Investments).
12. To perform other tasks may be assigned by the designated Vice President (Administration and Personnel).
O. Director of Men’s Missionary Union
He shall be an ordained minister of age between 40 and 55 years with a minimum of second professional degree in Theology and at least 7 years post qualification experience in Convention related work or 12 years cumulated ministerial experience. He shall be functionally responsible to the President and administratively to the MMU, and his duties shall be:
1. To head the department of Men’s Missionary Union of the Convention
2. To serve as a member of the Convention Programme Planning Committee.
3. To develop concepts, services and materials for Royal Ambassadors, Baptist Young Men and Men’s Fellowship Organizations which are acceptable for use by Convention churches, associations and conferences in establishing, enlarging and improving the mission education and promotion programme for men, young men and boys.
4. To focus attention of men and boys on such emphases as mission learning experiences, mission involvement, personal witnessing and financial and prayer support of world missions.
5. To co-operate with the Global Missions Board in helping to prepare for and promote the church-wide weeks of prayer for missions.
6. To serve as a channel for information and co-ordination of laymen’s special projects which will assist local churches with unusual needs and with emergency relief in case of natural disasters.
7. To direct planning of the department’s budget, programmes and calendar of events for the approval of the National Executive Committee of the MMU.
8. To prepare reports of department’s work for the Convention.
9. To serve as Editor-in-Chief of all publications of this department.
10. He shall be the Chief Executive and Accounting Officer of the MMU.
11. To perform other tasks as may be assigned by the designated Vice President.
P. Coordinator of Music Ministries
He may be an ordained minister of age between 40 and 55 years with a minimum of second professional degree and at least 7years post qualification experience in Convention related work or 12 years cumulated ministerial experience. He shall be responsible to the President (Ministerial) and his duties shall be:
1. To provide overall direction to the Church Music Department.
2. To plan and conduct conferences, clinics and other types of meetings for church music leaders throughout the Convention.
3. To give direct assistance to the churches, associations, and conferences when possible and feasible, or to arrange for others to give such services on behalf of the department, to improve the musical performance for worship, evangelism and education among Nigerian Baptists.
4. To assist churches in securing and developing better music leadership for their programmes.
5. To promote the concept and help provide needed materials for the development of fully graded choirs in the churches.
6. To develop and make available materials to help in teaching music and hymnody and train persons to lead, sing and play musical instruments.
7. To supervise the planning, promotion and conducting of special projects such as music festivals, and music workshops.
8. To encourage the use of Baptist hymnals and assist in the development of theologically sound indigenous hymns and songs, and in the appropriate use of indigenous instruments for church music.
9. To direct planning of the department’s budget and calendar of events.
10. To prepare reports of the department’s works for the Convention.
11. To serve as Editor-in-Chief of all publications of this department.
12. To serve as a member of the Convention Programme Planning Committee.
13. To perform other tasks as may be assigned by the designated Vice President (Ministerial)
Q. Director of Social Ministries
He may be an ordained minister of age between 40 and 55 years with a minimum of second professional degree in Theology and at least 7years post qualification experience in Convention related work or cumulated Ministerial experience He shall be responsible to the Vice President (Ministerial), and his duties shall be:
1. To provide overall direction to the Social Ministries Department, which comprises of:
a. Prison Ministry
b. Social Concerns
c. Vocational Training
d. Emergency Relief Programme
2. To promote a programme of Social Ministries in local churches throughout the Convention.
3. To plan and conduct workshops, conferences, training, seminars, clinics and other meetings for all the divisions/units.
4. To give direct assistance to churches, associations and conferences when possible and feasible, and to train and arrange for others to give such services on behalf of the department.
5. To design, develop and make available programme and promotional material and to provide support services for the interpretation and utilization of such resources in all areas of Social Ministries.
6. To direct planning of the department’s budget, programmes and calendar of events.
7. To serve as Editor-in-Chief of all publications of the ministry.
8. To prepare reports of the department’s work for the Convention.
9. To perform other tasks as may be assigned by the Vice President (Ministerial).
R. Head Internal Auditor
He shall be a professional accountant with 5 years post qualification experience in accounting. He shall be directly responsible to the President and his duties shall be:
1. To design the internal control system of the Convention in order to ensure optimal utilization of Convention resources in all departments and Convention subsidiaries and also to ensure compliance with control procedures.
2. To ensure strict implementation of the internal audit procedures in 1 above.
3. To issue promptly and directly to the President internal audit reports on the internal financial control procedures of the Convention.
4. To audit accounting and financial reports for their accuracy and adequacy and issue quarterly reports
5. To issue audit queries where necessary.
6. To recommend training and development schemes for the staff of the departments and to periodically evaluate their performance in cooperation with other appropriate officers.
7. To assist in providing information for the proposed budget.
8. To carry out pre-payment audit of all payments as well as recommend disposal of unserviceable assets.
9. To perform any other duties as may be assigned to him by the President.
10. No transaction, sale or purchase of goods and or services shall be carried out by any officer of the Convention without prior scrutiny of the Internal Auditor.
S. Public Relations Officer
He may be an ordained minister with training in the related discipline with at least a Bachelor’s degree. He shall have a minimum of 4 years relevant experience. He shall be directly responsible to the President and his duties shall include:
1. To recommend the overall planning of the Convention public relations programme which shall include, but not be limited to the writing on events of a regular nature, on special emphases, and a decisions and resolutions of the Convention.
2. To brief the President from time to time as the occasion may demand on matters that need communication with the Public on behalf of the Convention.
3. To study the image of the Convention as reflected in the public media by Baptist sources and media sources and ensure appropriate response (if necessary) by the Convention.
4. To assist in all the work of the Convention staff which involves the use of the media of communications, including printed materials and photographs, layout and design, and in the development and promotion of denominational themes or emphases which will be used by the Convention.
5. To initiate with organization and departments any programme, suggestions related to public relations or promotions which are within the limits of the denominational programmes.
6. To consult directly with the department directors upon their requests concerning matters which may require the services or advice of this office.
7. To direct planning of the office’s budget, programme and calendar of events.
8. To prepare reports of the office’s work for the Convention.
9. To perform other tasks as may be assigned by the President
T. Assistant Officers
Their duties shall be:
To render all due assistance to their respective leaders and, in the absence of the latter, to act for them unless otherwise ordered by the Executive Committee or the President.
V. The Registered Trustees
1. Their duties shall be:
a. To be the legal representative of the Convention in any case arising in or cited before any court of law. In this connection, the President of the Convention shall from time to time act for the Registered Trustees under a Power of Attorney from them to him in their behalf.
b. To appoint a Secretary to record the proceeding of the meetings, to conduct their correspondence and to carry out such other duties as they shall direct.
c. To held and to be invested with all real and immovable property of the Convention for the use of the Convention provided that the said Trustees may arrange for the custody of the Convention property as shall seem to them necessary in the best interest of the Convention. Any person holding such custody shall be personally liable for any damage caused by his act, omission, or default.
d. To borrow money, internally, externally, on behalf of the Convention, for the financing of the Convention projects, and to procure the execution of any agreements or documents, as well as execute all such other acts as may be required to give effect thereto.
e. To have the power to appoint the Convention Chairman or the Convention Chairman and one or more of their number, or the President as the Power of Attorney for the Registered Trustees.
f. To do any or all acts or things which the Registered Trustees are empowered to do under law under a covering Power of Attorney on behalf of the Convention Chairman and any other two Registered Trustees or the President.
g. To specify the person who, with the Vice President, Finance and Investments, shall sign all cheques drawn on any banking account which the Vice President, Finance and Investments operates.
j. To appoint one of their members, apart from the President, to serve on the Board of Directors of the Nigerian Baptist Bookstore Limited.
i. To appoint one of their members, apart from the President, to serve on the Board of Directors of the Baptist Press (Nigeria) Limited.
2. Tenure of Officers
The Trustees may hold office for life, but a Trustee shall cease to hold office if he:
a. Resigns his office
b. Ceases to hold the office by virtue of which became a Trustee
c. Dies
d. Ceases to be a member of a Baptist Church or Baptist Church to which be belongs
ceases to cooperate with the Convention
e. Becomes insane
f. Is officially declared bankrupt
g. Is convicted of a criminal offence involving dishonest by a court of competent jurisdiction
h. Is recommended for a removal from office by an ordinary majority vote of the members present at a special meeting of the Convention for the purpose
i. Is under church discipline.
j. ceases to reside permanently in Nigeria
3. Common Seal
a. Trustees shall have a common seal which shall signify the authority of the organization on any document, etc.
b. The common seal shall be used in transferring and acquiring interest in land and in such other ways as the Convention shall direct and as requested by law.
c. All documents to be executed by the Trustees shall be signed by not less than four of the Trustees.
d. Such common seal will be kept in the custody of the President who shall produce it as and when necessary or required for use by the Trustees.
An officer shall, on relinquishing his post, promptly hand over all Convention property in his custody to his successor. For that purpose, he shall prepare a list in triplicate of the articles handed over, signed by him and by his successor, declaring the receipt of the said articles. The original of that list shall be sent to the Recording Secretary for the information of the Executive Committee and the remaining two copies shall be for the retiring and the relieving officers concerned.
A. Executive Committee:
1. Membership: the Executive Committee shall consist of members elected by the Nigerian Baptist Convention in regular session in accordance with its adopted plan.
a. The Executive Committee shall consist of the Convention Chairman, the three Vice Chairmen, the President, the three Vice Presidents, Presidents of the Convention’s area Conferences, a representative of Theological Education Council, a representative of Bowen University, Director of Global Missions Board, Women’s Missionary Union President, Executive Director, Women’s Missionary Union, Men’s Missionary Union President, the Legal Adviser, the Youth President, Chairman, Pastor’s Conference, Chairman, Deacon’s Fellowship and Conference representatives who shall be nonministerial technocrats/professionals. They shall be nominated by the Nominating Committee on the recommendation of the Conferences.
b. Conference representative who shall not be ministers shall each serve for a three year term with the possibility of another three year term only.
c. The Executive Committee shall meet at least thrice a year. One meeting shall be held not earlier than four (4) weeks preceding the annual session. In the event of an emergency at the annual session, the Convention Chairman, the President, the Vice Chairmen, the Conference Presidents, the Vice President of Finance and other Executive Committee members present shall hold a meeting of the Executive Committee. Other emergency meetings shall be held as the Convention Chairman, in consultation with the President and one or more of the members, may think necessary.
d. The quorum at all Executive Committee meetings shall not be less than one third (1/3) of the total membership.
2. The duties of the Executive Committee shall be:
a. To carry out any instruction of the Convention.
b. To declare an office vacant in the event of expiration of the term of office, death, resignation, retirement, incapacity due to disease of mind or body to perform the duties of the office, prolonged absence from the Convention territory, or removal from office by the Convention.
c. To recommend to the Convention names of person to fill the following offices: President, Vice Presidents, Conference Presidents, all Directors of Departments, Head Internal Audit, the Director of Medical Services, and such other officers as may be authorized by the Convention.
d. To recommend to the Nominating Committee the name of persons to compose the membership of the Ministerial Training Board who are not members by virtue of their office. To act for the Convention, in conformity with her principles, practices and instructions, concerning matters
e. which may arise pertaining to persons, organizations, fellowships, boards, committees, organs, etc. which derives its creation from the provisions of this constitution and which in her judgment, cannot be deferred until the next annual session.
f. To deal with matters relating to all seceding groups from other denominations wishing to be affiliated with the Convention.
g. To serve as the Finance Committee of the Convention and to appoint a firm of chartered accountants for the proper auditing of the accounts of the Convention.
h. To deal with personnel not responsible to any existing boards.
i. To make a full report of its action all the next annual session.
j. To appoint from among its members one person each, apart from the President and the nominees of the Registered Trustees, to serve on Boards of Directors of the Baptist Press (Nigeria) Limited, Nigerian Baptist Bookstore Limited and any other company in which the Convention may hold shares or stocks.
3. Removal from Office:
An officer may be removed from office by the Executive Committee for:
a. Conduct or acts unbecoming of an office of the Convention.
b. Conduct or acts at variance with the principles contained in this constitution.
c. The officer concerned shall be given a fair hearing and any such disciplinary action shall be reported to the President at its next session for ratification.

Travelling Expenses:
a. The Convention shall bear the necessary travelling expenses of the individual members of the Executive Committee to the meetings other than those incurred at the time and in travelling to places of the annual Convention session.
b. The travelling expenses of the Convention Chairman, Vice Chairmen, the President, the three Vice President and any other as may be appointed by the Convention from time to time to the annual Convention session shall be borne by the Convention. (Travelling expenses of the Directors of Departments, departmental works and Field Workers to the annual Convention session shall also be borne by the Convention)
B. Programme Planning Committee:
1. The Programme Planning Committee shall consist of one of the Vice Chairmen as Chairman, Convention Chairman, President, Executive Secretary of W.M.U., Directors of all Departments, Chairman, Pastors’ Conference, Chairman, Laymen’s Fellowship, the Vice Presidents, and the Conference President of the host conference.
2. The Committee shall meet not later than the first Wednesday in November to plan the programme for the Convention of the following year.
C. Strategy Committee:
1. Membership: The Strategy Committee shall consist of the following members, elected according to the Convention’s usual procedure: the Convention Chairman, the President, the Vice Presidents, one representative from each conference, one representative from theological education, one Home Missionary, the Directors of Convention Departments, a representative from the WMU, five Laymen (2 men, 2 women and 1 youth). The Vice President (Ministerial) shall be the Chairman.
2. The duties of the Strategy Committee shall be:
a. To research the present situation of the Convention to know areas of strength and weakness with respect to fulfilling its stated principles and objectives.
b. To formulate basic priorities for major emphases during every four years time period on a continuing basis for presentation to the Convention in session.
c. To formulate specific goals and dated plans in smaller units to cover each time period, e.g. three or six months, and one year period.
d. To meet at least two times in a year for progress studies and necessary adjustments and to present recommendations to the Convention Executive Committee.
e. To report to the Convention in session annually.
f. To receive suggestions for consideration from the Convention at large for the strategic progress of its work.
D. Audit Committee
There shall be an Audit Committee of the Executive Committee made up of five members. The Committee shall consist of:
1. A Chairman
2. Two members of the Executive Committee with extensive management experience, one of whom shall be a Convention staff.
3. Two members of the Executive Committee with extensive experience in accounting finance and auditing; one of whom shall be a Convention staff.
4. The Audit Committee shall tender a yearly report on each investment unit of the Convention covering hospitals, schools, bookshop, press theological institutions etc. The report shall ensure that all issues relating to transparent processes in procurement and receipts are properly addressed.
5. The Committee shall review the reports from the External Auditors including management letters on behalf of the Executive Committee and report back to the Executive Committee.
A. Global Missions Board
1. The membership of the Global Missions Board shall include:
a. Chairman
b. The President
c. The Vice President (Ministerial)
d. The Vice President (Finance and Investments)
e. Director
f. Two MMU Representatives
g. Two WMU Representatives
i. Three Zonal representatives; one each from North, East and West
j. One Representative of Conference Presidents
k. One Youth Representative
l. One Baptist Student Ministries Representative
m. One Representative of Theological Institutions
2. The duties of the Global Missions Board shall include the following:
a. To awake the members of the Convention to their responsibility for spreading the gospel message in the whole of Nigeria and regions beyond.
b. To direct energies of the Convention in propagating the gospel at home and abroad.
c. To recommend ways and means of financing the missionary enterprise.
d. To recruit suitable volunteers for mission work in cooperation with the Ministerial Board.
e. To call and appoint Missionaries.
The Global Mission Board shall be financed by not less than 20% of the dues accruing to the Convention from local Churches.
B. The Ministerial Board
a. The Ministerial Board shall consist of the Convention Chairman, the President, the Vice President (Ministerial), a representative of the Theological Education Council, Chairman Pastors Fellowship, representative of the Legal Unit and seven elected members. The seven elected members not more than two of whom may be pastors shall include a lawyer and at least two women one of whom shall be the WMU Executive Director. In addition, any person whose services may be required shall be co-opted from time to time for specific agenda items.
b. The seven elected members shall serve for a three-year period, their terms being arranged so that at least two are elected each year, with the understanding that when a member retires before the expiration of his term, the person appointed to replace him/her on the Board shall serve only for the residue of the unexpired term of the retiring member.
c. The choice of a Recording Secretary shall be left to the Board.
The duties of the Ministerial Board shall be:
a. To give recognition to the calls of pastors, as well as their withdrawal or resignation from the service of the Convention.
b. To deal with matters of discipline of pastors – which include suspension, derobing and or withdrawal of preaching license – and churches of the Convention.
c. To investigate, examine, approve or disapprove candidates for licensing and ordination, when requested by the churches, and to proceed upon request of a church to arrange, within one year, for the ordination of an approved candidate to the gospel ministry at such time and place as may be decided by each Conference.
d. To revise annually, after the end of the annual Convention Session, the register of the ordained ministers of the Convention and to publish in the Nigerian Baptist Convention annual directory the revised list. To approve or disapprove, after careful investigation, the ordination of any Baptist Minister who was neither ordained by a Convention church nor cleared by the Ministerial Board of the Convention if such a Baptist minister decides to serve in the Convention.
C. Publishing Board
1. The Publishing Board shall consist of:
a. Publications Director
b. Vice President (Finance and Investments)
c. Vice President (Administration & Personnel)
d. One elected member from each Conference, one of which shall be a woman and atleast five of which shall be non-pastors.
The choice of the Recoding Secretary shall be left to the Board.
2. All phases of the work of the Publications Departments shall be considered in choosing the elected members. The members shall be elected to serve for three-year periods, their terms being arranged so that one-third of them are elected each year with the understanding that if a member becomes ineligible before the expiration of his term, theperson appointed to take his place on the Board will serve only for the residue of the unexpired term of the ineligible member.
The duties of the Board shall be:
a. To foster Christian education through the production of wholesome, quality Christian
literature including The Nigerian Baptist, curricular and other printed materials.
b. To recommend the publication of new titles approved by the Editorial Board.
c. To receive and discuss a report of the work of the Publications Department and make necessary recommendations to the General Council.
d. To review and approve the budget of the Publications Department for recommendation to the Convention.
e. To be the custodian of the copyright of Convention publications.
D. Retirement Benefits Scheme
1. Name: The name of the Conventions self administered pension scheme, shall be NIGERIAN BAPTIST CONVENTION RETIREMENT BENEFITS COMMITTEE. It is a scheme approved by the Joint Tax Board of Nigeria.
2. Scope: The following categories of Convention employees shall be covered under the scheme if they properly apply:
a) Pastors serving in Churches, Associations, Conferences, Institutions and Convention.
b) All Baptist Building Staff and Field Workers of all Convention Departments.
c) All Staff of Convention Theological Institutions.
d) All Staff of WMU of Nigeria.
e) Staff of the Convention Institutions that may be approved from time to time by the Retirement Benefits Scheme.
f) Convention employees who are on secondment, or approved leave of absence.
g) Baptist Evangelists that may be approved from time to time by the Ministerial Board. It is to be noted that entry into the scheme is voluntary and shall not be deemed automatic. Every interested worker must apply.
3. Administration: The scheme shall be administered by the Trustees representing the various interest groups, under the direction of the Retirement Benefits Scheme; the Vice President (Finance & Investment) shall be Chairman of the Committee.
The Committee shall:
i Be responsible for the formulation of broad policy guidelines and rules to effectively manage the scheme.
ii Ensure receipt of funds into the scheme from the Conventions.
iii. Manage the funds of the scheme including investments.
iv Give periodic reports and accounts of the scheme to the Convention. Each member shall serve for a term of 3years renewable once, except members by office.
E. Medical Board
A. Definition of the Board:
There shall be a body called the Medical Board of the Nigerian Baptist Convention (NBC) who shall be an agent of the NBC in all matters in respect of medical and health services and shall have no proprietary rights.
B. Composition of the Medical Board:
1. Chairman of the Board: Someone with vast managerial and administrative experience in both public and private sectors
2. Administrative Secretary: He shall be a professional Secretary
3. President of Nigerian Baptist Convention ex-officio
4. General Secretary: Ex-officio.
5. Mission Representative (Executive Secretary).
6. A Medical Doctor
7. A Nurse
8. A Pharmacist
9. A Lawyer
10. Administrator preferably hospital but non-employee
11. Accountant
12. Director of Baptist Medical and Health Ministries
13. Two Ordained Baptist Ministers
14. One member at large
The Executive Committee of the NBC shall make recommendations of the members to the nominating Committee. The consent of those to be nominated must be sought and obtained and they should be people who are committee Baptist Medical and Health Ministries. Duties of the Medical Board:
C. The duties of the Medical Board shall be:
1. To be responsible to the Nigerian Baptist Convention which is proprietor of all the Baptist Medical Institutions.
2. To formulate policies for the Medical Institutions.
3. To liaise with the Nigerian Baptist Convention in the provision of facilities and infrastructure and to provide necessary leadership towards the realization of the objectives of the Baptist Medical and Health Ministries.
4. To consider and approve decisions recommended on appointments, promotions, discipline and services.
5. To recommend draft budgets of the Baptist Medical and Health Ministries (BMHM), and the various Medical Institutions to the Executive Committee of Nigerian Baptist Convention.
6. To advice the E.C. of the Nigerian Baptist Convention to financial matters affecting all Nigerian Baptist Convention Medical Institutions.
7. To receive and consider reports submitted by the Director of Medical Institutions and to act thereupon in accordance with the Nigerian Baptist Convention harmonized conditions of service and regulations governing the Baptist Health Ministry, and the various Medical Institutions.
8. To advise the Nigerian Baptist Convention on all health related matters.
9. To submit annual reports of the activities of the Board to the Executive Committee of the Nigerian Baptist Convention through the office of the General Secretary.
10. To ensure that the Nigerian Baptist Convention policies, resolutions and decision are implemented in the Baptist Health Ministry in accordance with the goals and objectives of the Nigerian Baptist Convention.
11. To appoint the Chairman and members of the Institution’s Advisory Committee in consultation with each institution.
12. To plan in collaboration with Local Baptist Conference/Churches towards the setting up of health services are different parts of the Federation where such services are currently not available.
13. To set up Standing Committee, to take decisions on urgent matters which shall be subject to ratification by the Board. The Board may also set up sub-committee.
14. To convence at least twice a year.
15. To uphold Nigerian Baptist Convention Constitution and Regulations.
16. To coordinate BAAP activities.
D. Appointments, Promotions and Disciplinary Committee of the Board:
1. The duties of Appointments, Promotions and Disciplinary Committee of the Board shall be:
2. To advertise, locate, interview and deploy prospective candidates for Executive/Senior Staff appointments.
3. To recommend to Medical Board suitably qualified candidates for appointment into positions of Medical Superintendent, Administrator, Director of Nursing Services, Chief Pharmacists in the Baptist Health Ministry.
4. To consider for approval by the Medical Board names of candidates for senior staff positions which were recommended and forwarded by the Director of Baptist Health Ministry, to be brought to the standing Committee on Appointments, Promotions and Disciplinary Matter for approval by Medical Board.
5. To consider the promotion of all eligible Senior Staff on annual basis in accordance with the conditions of service. To consider all matters of discipline referred to it.
6. To uphold Nigerian Baptist Convention Constitution and Regulations.
E. Scholarship Board:
1. The Scholarship Board shall consist of the Convention Chairman, President, Vice President (Finance & Investment), one representative of each of the following:
Theological Education Council, Bowen University, the Women’s Missionary Union and four elected members, at least one of whom shall be a woman. All conference areas shall be considered in selecting the elected members.
2. The duties of the Scholarship Board shall be:
a. To formulate and promote a scholarship programme for the Convention.
b. To select suitable candidates for higher and specialized training for service in the Convention.
F. Ministerial Training Board
1. The President (Chairman)
2. The Vice President (Ministerial)
3. The President of the Seminary (Ogbomoso)
4. Two Representative of HOTI
5. Representative of BACTSIN
6. WMU Representative
7. Legal Adviser
8. Director, Christian Education (Secretary)
All conference areas shall from time to time be considered in selecting the elected members. The
elected members shall serve for a three-year period, their terms being arranged so that two are elected each year, with the understanding that when a member retires before the expiration of his term, the person appointed to take his place on the Board shall serve only the residue of the unexpired term of the retiring member.
The duties of the Board shall be:
a. To establish a Theological Education Council which shall be a standing Sub-Committee of the
Ministerial Training Board.
b. The purpose of this Council shall be to discuss policies, procedures and curricula that affect the various Nigerian Baptist Theological Institutions, and to deal with matters referred to it by the Ministerial Training Board.
c. The membership of the Council shall consist of the representative of each theological institution. The Council shall elect its own officers.
d. Reports and recommendations of the Council shall be presented to the Ministerial Training Board.
e. To serve jointly with the Trustees as proprietor of Baptist theological institutions.
f. To devise the plan for administering Nigerian Baptist theological institutions and to recommend to the Nominating Committee the personnel of the Boards of theological institutions.
g. To formulate plans concerning the training of ministerial and other workers of Convention departments and institutions, for churches and conferences.
h. To correlate the work and maintain standards in the various theological institutions.
G. Institutions’ Boards
1. There shall be either an Advisory Board or a Board of Governors for every Convention institution in which teachers, pastors and nurses are trained, for every secondary school, every hospital, every dental centre, every health centre and for any other general institutions and departments as the need may arise.
2. Each Advisory Board shall consist of seven members who shall be elected to serve for a three-year term after which they may be elected for a second three-year term. When a member retires before the expiration of his term, the person who is appointed to take his place on the Board, shall serve only for the residue of the unexpired term of the retiring member.
3. The duties of an Advisory Board shall be:
a. To advise the Convention authorities in regard to their problems and the progress of the institution.
b. To promote the interest of the Nigerian Baptist Convention in securing and training eligible candidates for the various needs of the Convention.
c. To discuss an annual report of the institution and report same to the Convention in session through the Executive Committee.
d. To examine, discuss and approve the budget of the institution.
e. To interpret the work and needs of the institution to all members of the Convention.
4. Each Board of Advisers, with the exception of those theological institutions, shall be constituted to conform to the educational law of the areas in which the institution is situated.
5. The duties of the Board of Governors shall be; those as under (c) above, and all such other functions as prescribed by the education Law and Ordinance of the state and the regulations made there under and have been ratified by the Convention.
6. Each Advisory Board or Board of Governors shall meet at least twice each year.
H. Education Board
There shall be an Education Board which shall consist of Vice President (Administration and Personnel) as Chairman, and Education Director as Secretary, Vice President (Finance and Investments), two educationists, Legal Adviser and at least three others as may be determined by the Executive Committee.
The duties of the Education Committee shall be:
i To prepare broad guidelines for the management of schools under the proprietorship of the Nigerian Baptist Convention.
ii To propose policies to protect the interest of the Convention.
iii. To advise the Convention on educational trends in the country.
vi To advise Convention on the status of her relationship with all Government schools which bear the Convention name.
vii To keep an active register of all schools that belongs to the Nigerian Baptist Convention.
The Convention shall also function and carry on her task of evangelism through the following organs or agencies:
A. The Local Baptist Church: A body of baptized (baptism by immersion) believers who share a common faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and accept His Lordship over their lives.
B. Baptist Association: At least six organized Baptist churches, geographically continuous, all with the proviso that the new association shall not render the existing association unqualified to stand alone. The proposed association may be co-operating with an existing local association which should recommend the new association to the area Conference for endorsement to the Convention Executive Committee. To avoid duplication and confusion, all proposed names shall be cleared with the office of the President. An Association shall be led by a Moderator who shall be a trained Baptist Minister.
Functions of an Association
Without prejudice to other activities as provided for in this constitution the function of an association shall be to:
i Promote mission activities of the association..
ii Mobilize churches toward Convention co-operative programmes.
iii. Settle disputes in local churches and or among churches.
iv Purchase land in developing areas for purpose of immediate and future church planting.
v Support weaker churches in respect of physical development, engaging pastors (full time or part-time), provision of volunteer personnel, etc.
vi Sponsor candidates for ministerial training.
vii. Support theological institution(s) within the Conference/ Convention area.
viii. Organize new churches.
ix Monitor doctrinal purity within the local churches.
x Undertake other activities as may be requested by the Conference and the Convention.
I. Conference:
1. At least six organized Baptist associations in a given geographical area with not less than seven full time trained pastors, and at least six of whom are ordained. These may indicate to an existing Conference, to which they belong, their intention to organize themselves into a Conference.
2. Approval for a new Conference may be given subject to the following conditions:
i. The applications must not be based on the motive of similar ethnic considerations.
ii. A new Conference shall normally not be approved where one is already in existence in a political state. However, in the event where an existing Conference in a given political state desires to regroup, such an existing Conference should not have less than 20 organized Baptist Associations with 60 full time Baptist trained pastors, out of whom no fewer than 20 are ordained. That existing Conference can regroup into two
Conferences each of which must be geographically contiguous and not be less than 10 organized Baptist Associations.
iii. Beside of the number of associations, the intending Conference should be viable enough as to engage a full time Conference Secretary at its inception.
iv. The new Conference should be recommended to the Convention Executive Committee by the Executive Committee of an existing Conference to which she belongs.
3. Functions of a Conference:
Without prejudice to other activities as provided for in this constitution the functions of a Conference shall be to:
(i) Engage in mission activities;
(ii) Support theological institutions within the Conference territory;
(iii) Encourage inter-church, association activities within the Conference territory;
(iv) Organize retreats, workshops, seminars for socio-spiritual growth of members;
(v) Purchase land for development into camp sites, planting of churches;
(vi) Co-ordinate the activities of all denominational pre-school, primary and secondary schools in the Conference territory.
D. Other Bodies/Organizations:
(i) Various groups interested in the furtherance of certain aspects of Baptist life in the Convention may constitute themselves into a fellowship or organization which may be recognized by the Convention.
(ii) Their Fellowship or Organization shall operate in conformity with the principles and objectives of the Convention.
No paid officer of the Convention, a Conference and Association nor any minister of the gospel in the service of the Convention shall go into partisan politics without first resigning his or her position or obtaining clearance from the Executive Committee of the Convention.
The goals of settling disputes within the NBC shall be:
(a) To maintain discipline among Churches and members;
(b) To facilitate reconciliation and forgiveness;
(c) To pursue and ensure complete healing;
(d) To bring about restoration;
(e) To respect and promote justice and fairness;
(f) To facilitate Church and denominational well-being;
(g) To advance the cause of kingdom work as programme by the Convention and her units.
There shall be a Reconciliation Committee operating at the Association, Conference and Convention levels.
Membership (7 – 9)
2 Pastors
2 professionals (a legal person and an administrator)
M.M.U. Representative
W.M.U. Representative
Youth Representative
2 Co-opted members
Two members are to rotate off each year after the first three years to ensure some measure of continuity in membership.
Procedure for Settling Disputes
(a) In the event of any crisis or dispute arising in any Church co-operating with the Convention, such crisis or dispute shall be settled in the normal ways of settling disputes, i.e. within the local church, failing which, to the Association, the Conference, the Executive Committee of the Convention and finally to the Convention in session.
(b) The Convention in session, if need be, shall set up an Ad-Hoc Peace committee who will report to the Convention through the Executive Committee.
(c) No Conference, Association, Church or individual shall challenge the final decision of the Convention-in-Session in any court of law directly or indirectly. The decision of the Convention-in-Session shall be final and binding on all concerned.
(d) Any violation of the foregoing section (c) shall result in automatic deprivation of fellowship with the Convention.
Proceedings shall be informal (no legal representation) with both parties telling their story and panel members questioning witnesses. The panel then issues a written opinion which is kept on record with transcript of its activities.
The primary focus of the panel in deciding cases is to facilitate reconciliation unless the contrary becomes absolutely necessary and imperative.
Mode of Presenting Report
The Committee shall present its report by proper and adequate documentation showing nature of cases: nature of cases/offences, summary statement, evidence, findings, conclusion, and recommendations.
The decision of the Committee shall be promptly communicated to all interested parties for notification and action. Once a decision is conveyed to affected parties compliance become operative unless a party raises an objection. If a party is not satisfied with a decision, that party shall write to the E.C. (Convention, Conference or Association as appropriate) within a stipulated time to formally place on record her objection, stating clearly grounds for such an objection; and possibly stating exactly what the party desires.
The Executive Committee (in question) shall review the matter, and act as appropriate by either affirming an earlier decision or referring the matter to the next level of authority. Where the E.C. affirm an earlier decision the dissatisfied party reserve the right to appeal to the next level of authority. At no point in time however may the matter be taken to the civil court.
This procedure shall be as follows:
(a) In the event of any crisis or dispute arising in any church co-operating with the Convention or any institution belonging to the Convention, such crisis or dispute shall be settled in the Biblical ways of settling disputes i.e. within the local church, failing which to the association, the conference, the Executive Committee of the Convention and finally to the Annual Session.
(b) The Convention in session, if need be, shall set up an Ad-Hoc Peace Committee who will report to the Annual Session through the Executive Committee.
(c) No Conference, Association, Church or individual shall challenge the final decision of the Annual Session in any court of law directly or indirectly. The decision of the Annual Session shall be final and binding on all concerned.
(d) Any violation of the foregoing section (c) shall result in automatic deprivation of fellowship with the Convention.
(e)1. The Convention shall withdraw fellowship from any Church that refuses to accept settlement decided by the Convention. Such withdrawal of fellowship shall be done after it has been considered and recommended by the Executive Committee to the Annual Session. Where the truth is established that the Pastor or the head of an institution is the root cause of the problem, the President shall suspend such individual from the services of the Convention until the case is finally disposed off.
Where there is serious crisis, arising in a Church as a result of:
(a) A member or some members who sit tight in a committee or office, as to make progress or development impossible in the Church.
(b) Stewardship of Account which ought to have been rendered, is deliberately withheld by the officer’s who ought to give such account so as to conceal misappropriation of funds.
(c) A situation arising from a handful of members to have overall control of decision making outside the machinery of the Executive Committee and Church-in-Conference.
(d) In such other cases where the Church-in-Conference sees it appropriate to disfellowship such a member of group of members. Then the Church shall be free to disfellowship from such an erring member or group of members. Where a Church refuses to discipline the member or members the Convention shall withdraw fellowship from that Church. Once the Convention withdraws fellowship from a Church, any member of that Church who holds office at Associational, Conference and Convention levels, shall automatically forfeit his office unless he/she transfers his membership to another Church co-operating with the Convention. The erring Conference, Association, Church or individual shall not be re-admitted into the fold of the Convention until such Conference, Association, Church or individual has purged itself of the offence, repented and applied for re-admission through the order set out in section (b) of this article, and the Convention Executive Committee is so satisfied of the willingness to abide by the Constitution and Regulations of the Convention.
All members, churches, associations, conferences, institutions and organizations of the Convention shall comply with the letter and spirit of this constitution and regulations in so far as they are not in conflict with state law. Any conflict with State law shall be reported to the Convention for action. Where there is conflict in the Constitution of the aforementioned bodies with this constitution and regulations, the provisions of this constitution and regulations shall prevail and such conflict shall be void to the extent of its inconsistency.
Written notice of any amendment in the Regulations shall usually be given to the Executive Committee for its consideration by the end of the year preceding the session at which the amendment shall be voted upon. Such notice must contain the Section to be amended, the exact proposed amendment and must bear the signature, approval of 20 accredited churches in at least 6 different conferences including the conference from which the notice emanated to cover the geographical areas of North, East and West. The notice may normally be submitted for comments only, if any through the Executive Committee of the Convention before their December meeting. Subject to the above, the proposed amendment shall be presented on the first day of the Annual Convention session and shall not be voted on for at least 24 hours. A two-thirds majority vote shall be necessary for its adoption. If any, an amendment may also arise from the Executive Committee.
All Charters and Regulations of institutions and establishments owned by the Convention are hereby incorporated into this Constitution and their provisions shall be binding with equal force as those of this Constitution as long as such provisions are not inconsistent with the provision of this Constitution.
Respectively Submitted:
Rev. Dr. Joseph Ayanlola Chairman
Rev. Gideon O. Oyibo Member
Chief Adegboyega Awomolo (SAN) Member
Mr. Kayode Bankole Member
Dns. Olufemi Taire Member
Dr. Bala Takaya Member
Mr. Marcus Audu Co-opted
Rev. Dr. Testimony O. Onifade Co-opted
Rev. Daniel Tsoho Co-opted
In Attendance
Rev. Joseph Jenfa
Barrister Adeola Okesiji